Luise Rainer in The Good Earth
Every so often I get together with friends for a day of culture. This generally entails snuggling up in my flat over a movie, a bottle (or more) of cava and munchies. Chocolate will invariably make an appearance, as sometimes does proper Jewish cheesecake from the bagel bakery, far superior to the ersatz frozen slabs of synthetic goo which should only be eaten as emergency therapy after the tragic break-up of a love affair, and straight from the freezer.
Last night CSM, Harpy, AngloNoel and I dug in for a night of cinematic frolix. Several bottles of cava may have been involved. Still, what better way to settle down to all 143 minutes of a Hollywood classic, the “last great achievement” of renowned film producer, Irving Thalberg, before he passed on to the Great Cinema in the sky?
I finally got to see The Good Earth, of which I’d been vaguely aware all my life but which surfaced again during my research into my BBC Radio 4 profile of the Hollywood screen-legend, Anna May Wong (to be broadcast 13th January 2009). This was the black & white MGM spectacular made in 1937, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning bestseller by Pearl S Buck about the turbulent fortunes of farmer Wang Lung’s family — a sort of Chinese Grapes of Wrath meets Gone With The Wind.
You’d think the biggest ever film role for a Chinese should be played by the biggest ever Chinese star. Ever since publication of the book in 1931, Anna May Wong had lobbied hard for the starring role of O-Lan, Wang Lung’s long-suffering wife. Fed up with being cast as either dragon ladies or prostitutes, this character meant a proper starring role at last for Anna and entry to the A-list.Anna May Wong. The wrong sort of Chinese
But vicious race laws meant that you couldn’t have mixed race romance on the screen. Once a white actor, Paul Muni, was cast in the lead his wife would have to be played by a white actress in yellowface.
And what better choice for a strugglng Chinese peasant than the German actress, Luise Rainer? Luise did achieve an other-worldlyness and won an Oscar for her portrayal of O-Lan which has been described as “luminous” and “magical”. But, as film historian Kevin Brownlow says in the programme, “she wasn’t Chinese”.
Acting styles have changed over the years but key roles were played with a distinct absence of gorm. Poor Luise had hardly any lines but a lot of screen-time to fill. Mostly she filled it with an open mouthed passivity reminiscent of Elizabeth Berkley in Showgirls. The dialogue she did speak was delivered with a thick Germanic accent but who cares? It was foreign, wasn’t it?
Would Anna May Wong have made a better O-Lan than Rainer? Ever since Garbo stared into the cosmic distance on the prow of her ship in Queen Christina and achieved demi-god status, actresses have been trying for the same effect with differing results. No inner life but a beautiful, blank canvas onto which the audience projects the best of itself. It’s a seductive image. Who wouldn’t want to look like they have a hotline straight to god? Even I’ve tried it but failed to keep the requisite immobile face, not being particularly inscrutable, see? Rainer does this to perfection. For 143 straight minutes.
Greta Garbo as Queen Christina
So this is how good Chinese women were portrayed during the heyday of Hollywood, when its movies described the world, laying out its cultural templates, and woe betide anyone who strayed from the Grand Design. I must have been asleep when they gave those lessons coz look at me now.
Anna May Wong was beautiful and authentically Chinese but she had far too much going on inside. Unless she blanded herself utterly, her natural charisma and thought-processes would have upset the symmetry and harmony of white folk’s art.
That‘s not to say the film isn’t worth seeing. If you can suspend disbelief at the racial origins of the actors, you can marvel at the sheer gorgeousness of Hollywood cinematography at its height. Something else Kevin Brownlow told me but we didn’t have time to include in the final cut: how did the director achieve the amazing effect of vast clouds of locusts swarming across the Chinese landscape at the climax of the film? They turned the film upside down and placed a tank of water in front of it. Then, as the film was running, they poured coffee grounds into the tank so they swirled in dark clouds. Then they turned the film the right way and it looks as if tonnes of locust biomass is rising above puny humanity. Fantastic!
Madam Miaow says …The Good Earth. Gorgeous looking but another set of invisible chains I can do without, thank you very much.
The Good Earth — directed by Sidney Franklin, Victor Fleming (uncredited) and Gustav Machaty
Anna Chen writes and presents Anna May Wong: A Celestial Star in Piccadilly, broadcast 11:30am Tuesday 13th January 2009. Listen again online for seven days after transmission.
Anna’s food blog here:
Well I have never seen the movie because (like most books turned into movies) I’m afraid it will be an abomination and forever taint my thoughts on TGE. In fact, one of my favorite all time books, The Garden of Eden, is getting ready to be released and I am-to put it delicately-grossed out by it. Not the same! Not as good! Fail!
You know what I have always wanted to do? Have a 20’s style very Daisy Buchanan type party. Friends lounging around in fabulous clothing sipping tea and lazily talking about exotic locations.
Also, I will remember to listen to your broadcast on 1/13 which is coincidentally my wedding anniversary. How can I forget that date? (Also, its the day Johnny Cash played Folsom prison. Fun fact right there.)
Thank you, Mrs M.
I shall, of course, flag up the broadcast closer to the date. But a wedding anniversary ain’t a bad reminder, either. Interesting to know this was Johnny’s Folsom Prison date. We shall no doubt be spinning the relevant platter, as ye olde folk say, on the day.
The movie is a good vapid watch with lots of big stuff happening to the characters en masses but with only the broadest brushstrokes to pick out what’s happening between the characters.
Man vs Nature – 1
Man vs Man – huh?
At least we got the end, unlike ‘Shakespeare in Love’ later on in the evening.
And I could have gone into the middle movie — Sin City.
That’s about as wide a range as any culture vulture can handle.
Hapy New year to yourself and Charlie
luv Dave X
“Poor Luise had hardly any lines but a lot of screen-time to fill. Mostly she filled it with an open mouthed passivity reminiscent of Elizabeth Berkley in Showgirls.”
Indeed….she also kept staring blankly into the distance.. Sleepwalking acting!
And it is appalling that Anna May Wong wasn’t given the chance to play the part. Again, it represents the racism of the time though still the comparisons can be made today on the treatment of non-white actors. Racism still alive and kicking.
Ah yes, Sin City..
Happy New Year Madam Miaow…..
Dear Madam Miaow,
I just watched this movie, for the first time, on T.V., and, while I enjoyed it, I found it ridiculous that two obviously Caucasian leads had been cast. I mean, the extras were Asian. The children were Asian….and then, there were these two leads who could never have been taken seriously as actual Chinese people, because….they weren't.
I didn't know that the leading lady was German, and I know nothing about the difference between her accent an an accurate one, but, to me, I felt as though I were watching Shelley Duvall star in a movie that was set in China; it literally looked as though one of her characters (Olive Oyl from "Popeye"….great movie, but still….) had been lifted out of "Popeye"….and placed into a movie about China….strange.
I think that the most harmful aspect of miscasting, with regards to race, is that, when the Caucasian actors give a good performance, I really get used to it, and that, consequently, I begin to get used to their faces….as representations of the characters that they're playing, when, in fact, I'm not at all getting an even remotely good idea of what an actual Chinese actor would look like in those roles.
I'm curious about Anna Wong, and I should read up on her history, because I'd love to learn more about her acting career. Actress Nancy Kwan was right when she said that Asians didn't actually get good roles in Hollywood for years; I know about her from watching "Suzie Wong" and "Flower Drum Song", and I know that even those movies weren't really totally accurate, either, but that, during the 1960s, Hollywood's rules about race were not quite as strict as they had been before.
I think that movies should be more diverse, but I also think that television should be more inclusive than it is today, too. I mean, how many detective shows dow we see today, wherein the lead detective is something other than Caucasian? I grew up with "Matlock", and such, but, today, I am wishing that there were more diversity on T.V., because it would be more interesting, and it would represent more of America, and the world.
Peppermint Snowdrift