August 2010

Wikileaks Assange sex smear: no condom or not taking no for an answer?

Al Jazeera grills the Swedish prosecutor over the defamation of Julian Assange“I’m not bovvered.” The Swedish prosecution puts up an appallingly weak defence in the above Al Jazeera interview. Has to be seen to be believed. More about the dropped sex charge against Julian Assange raising suspicion that this is the US authorities pursuing their

Wikileaks Assange sex smear: no condom or not taking no for an answer? Read More »

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange victim of dirty tricks rape accusation

Utter bastards! We knew US officials were out to get Julian Assange of Wikileaks, a hero of our sad times, but this scrapes the bottom of the barrel and breaks through to a whole new bottom we never knew existed. One worry was that the US would kidnap Assange through the blandly named “rendition” process

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange victim of dirty tricks rape accusation Read More »

Racism for fun: Fu Manchu producer pleads irony on the BBC

Well, call me Kafka. My contribution to today’s Feedback programme on BBC R4 ended up as a cutting-room floor job in favour of a letter from another listener making similar points, which was good. At least it shows someone else could be bothered to write in about the god-awful throwback Fu Manchu In Edinburgh programme

Racism for fun: Fu Manchu producer pleads irony on the BBC Read More »

Beat It by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (reddish hue)

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army performs “Beat It”, probably directed towards assorted running dogs and capitalist roaders, not to mention the US navy currently in the middle of military exercises in the Yellow Sea off Korea. Look at that erhu go! Nice solo, man. I was brought up on this stuff and had to sit

Beat It by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (reddish hue) Read More »

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