Crosstown Lightnin’ On The Road Again

I enjoyed immensely last night’s Crosstown Lightnin’ gig, the first with new drummer Pete Myles who joined Charles Shaar Murray, Buffalo Bill Smith and Marc “The Exorcist” Jefferies for the Abbey festival weekend. Pete brought a sensitive interplay to the performance and a strong sense of dynamics making Canned Heat’s On The Road Again a hypnotising mesmeric experience.

I managed to video proceedings despite being strangely drawn to the Caribbean food stall. Several times. The curried goat with rice and beans was delicious but incredibly bony. However, the jerk chicken was only £2 for a fat succulent grilled quarter. £6 with rice and beans. Go figure.

Had to miss out on the super-talented Peter Conway’s gig tonight where I was to provide guest vocals on one song. Sadly, the stage at The Good Ship in Kilburn is minuscule and wouldn’t hold Peter’s band and guest musicians who were to include Phil Ryan and Charles Shaar Murray as well as myself.

It was the stages that got small! But we will do more.

So I stayed in and edited a backlog of videos instead for your pleasure. Others are going up on my Madam Miaow YouTube page.
Have a look at Crosstown Lightnin’ play Bourbon, Beer and Barbecue at the same gig.

Poetry this coming Thursday at Farrago.

Madam Miaow says … visit Anna Chen’s website here:


Anna’s food blog here:

4 thoughts on “Crosstown Lightnin’ On The Road Again”

  1. I am going to have to get to the next one and bring my pal who used to run that blues jam up your way. That is funny what you say about goat. I can't see the point in killing them is all bone. Might as well leave them alive. Freaky eyes tho

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