Hackgate: what I’ve learnt from Twitter

I love Twitter. You get the news as it breaks, putting the peeps on a time par with the press. Plus, we are that infinite number of monkeys that comes up with top jokes and a raft of lateral thinking that’s illuminating as well as entertaining.

A few things I’ve learnt in the past few days:

Nick Boles, Conservative MP, who barely kept his violence under wraps on BBC Newsnight last night (did you clock his body language? Phew!) when he was dismissing the News Corpse crisis as “a little local difficulty”, is paid £5,000 per column by The Times. Rupert Murdoch’s Times. Got that from Billy Bragg.

The anagram of Nick Boles is “knobslice”. @amateuradam

Toby Young is a knobslice. @toadmeister: “Nick Boles terrific on Newsnight against Harriet Harman #Murdochalypse”

@SenatorSanders Bernie Sanders: “The wealthiest 400 people in America now own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. #SharedSacrifice”

What we’ve been missing during this great period for burying bad news:

@ibnezra: “The Israeli army chief of staff has given the green light to board the #flotilla2 ship”

The American economy is about to collapse, as is Europe’s, and ten years from now none of us will be able to afford a computer, the electricity top power your toys with, unless you are one of the 400 richest Yanks who own as much as the bottom 150 million people.

On BBC News now, Paul McMullan saying Rebekah Brooks was the worst editor he’s ever known (“atrocious”) but is brilliant at networking. EG, when he’d just got married but she wanted him to live on a council estate 200 miles from home for a year. “Coulson used to hack away quite merrily.”

That’s enough for now. Willl be back soon for the main event: Murdochworld in the Thunderdome.

UPDATE: A couple of grim stories emerging in China. Starvation used in detention camp in China. Demonstrators shot during clash in Xinjiang.

Madam Miaow says … visit Anna Chen’s website here:


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