July 2012

Shiny phallus dominates London: Shard puts Tyrell Corporation in the shade

Children, I was there when the Tyrell Corporation opened its mega-building in London, dominating the city skyline with its architectural statement of intent. Skynet were the first occupants of the tower and now look where we are: terminated by the technocrats who serve the elite, skulls cracked under tank treads, children barely surviving in whatever

Shiny phallus dominates London: Shard puts Tyrell Corporation in the shade Read More »

Shiny phallus dominates London: Shard puts Tyrell Corporation in the shade

Children, I was there when the Tyrell Corporation opened its mega-building in London, dominating the city skyline with its architectural statement of intent. Skynet were the first occupants of the tower and now look where we are: terminated by the technocrats who serve the elite, skulls cracked under tank treads, children barely surviving in whatever

Shiny phallus dominates London: Shard puts Tyrell Corporation in the shade Read More »

Greg Palast’s Vultures’ Picnic UK launch: first videos

Great news; we’re finally getting the videos of Greg Palast’s inspirational week in London posted. Anna Chen MC introduces the evening: “Capitalism’s not dead, it just smells funny,” she said paraphrasing the great Frank Zappa’s comment about jazz. “Capitalism is mutating and going places only, this time, it’s not taking us with it.” Greg Palast’s

Greg Palast’s Vultures’ Picnic UK launch: first videos Read More »

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