April 2013

Eat The Rich star takes to her paints: Al Pillay’s Demented Divas exhibition

You’ve seen her living the dream and wreaking revenge on the expoiting fat cats making our lives a misery in Eat the Rich. Now see Al Pillay‘s artwork in north London’s L’Absinthe Restaurant. On until 1st May, International Labour Day and the day after my birthday when I am 37 again. Demented Divas is a […]

Eat The Rich star takes to her paints: Al Pillay’s Demented Divas exhibition Read More »

Woman who taught the food industry to sell air to children dies: Margaret Thatcher poem

Look upon my works, ye poor and vulnerable, and despair. The Baroness hung on until the new financial year, took a look around at the devastation, said, “My work is done,” and expired. It was Margaret Thatcher who sold off our utilities, which is why our electricity, gas, water and rail are in run by

Woman who taught the food industry to sell air to children dies: Margaret Thatcher poem Read More »

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