February 2014

Shots From the Hip by Charles Shaar Murray now an e-book

At last, the new long-overdue edition of Charles Shaar Murray’s coruscating collection of journalism — Shots From the Hip (I told him his next one should be called Shots From the Hip Replacement) — first published in 1991, with a new introduction by Joel Nathan Rosen and a new afterword by CSM himself. It puts together […]

Shots From the Hip by Charles Shaar Murray now an e-book Read More »

Feng Xiaogang in conversation at the BFI: holding a mirror up to Chinese society

Last night’s pre-screening gala talk at the BFI by film director Feng Xiaogang climaxed the Spectacular China season of his films while launching the year-long Electric Shadows collaboration between the BFI and China. After a start as slow as wet cement, it livened up considerably once Feng and his adroit translator bypassed a disappointingly dull

Feng Xiaogang in conversation at the BFI: holding a mirror up to Chinese society Read More »

Day of the Locust review: this is us. Now!

The Day of the Locust is a superbly intelligent movie about the madness of crowds and the nightmarisation of the American Dream, which increasingly resembles a documentary about today’s collective id. Director John Schlesinger’s film adaptation manages to be faithful (if over-literal) to Nathanael West’s coruscating book, set in early Hollywood’s Sodom and Gomorrah. Tod

Day of the Locust review: this is us. Now! Read More »

How the banks are going to own EVERYTHING: the Vampire Squid, Bill Clinton & Glass-Steagall

Who was it who repealed Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall act that separated savings banks from investments banks? Stand up, Biill Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with Goldman Sachs.” Now we can see how the banks will own EVERYTHING and anyone who doesn’t think a revolution is necessary to reverse this is kidding themselves. From Rolling

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Chinese originally Black like everyone else who left Africa 100,000 years ago

Refuting claims that the Chinese are a separate race of Peking Man — an earlier branch off homo erectus prior to homo sapiens — Jin Li, a Chinese doctor, did mitochondrial tests on thousands of people in 2010 and concluded that they were wrong and we’d all walked out of Africa some 70-100,000 years ago.

Chinese originally Black like everyone else who left Africa 100,000 years ago Read More »

Charles Shaar Murray on Resonance FM discussion on the state of music criticism

A most enjoyable evening was had on Monday night with the Resonance FM crew for a fundraiser in support of London’s best arts radio station. The Slaughtered Lamb, which is much how freelance writers often think of themselves nowadays, was the Clerkenwell venue. Neil Denny from Resonance FM’s Little Atoms series chaired a panel discussion

Charles Shaar Murray on Resonance FM discussion on the state of music criticism Read More »

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