Anna Chen – Sunday 13 October 2024, Covid

From the personal to the political
I still feel ill.
I’m so furious that this pandemic is still with us four years after it should have been gone that I took my earlier thoughts on the subject and made this video.
I dive into the UK Covid Inquiry’s exposure of the Airborne vs Droplets reclassification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that proved so fatal for effective management of the pandemic with the second worst death rate in the West.
The political dimension of Public Health battling Business Interests has been largely evaded by politicians and the media. Not to mention the American turn against China just as it was drawing level with the reigning hegemon, and Trump’s frustration with his trade war.
The belligerence of the key authors of the failed pandemic guidance at the UK Covid Inquiry in the face of the science is alarming. Their refusal to acknowledge that the virus is airborne and that, by depriving frontline healthcare workers of adequate PPE, the bureaucrats harmed our collective health raises questions and demands accountability. I wouldn’t say no to criminal prosecutions now that I’ve heard the evidence.
The role of FRSM surgical masks vs FFP2/3 and N95 respirators doomed us. As did the anti-China racism that allowed people to believe uncritically the most extreme Yellow Peril fantasies put out by the declining elites against the public’s own interests.
Falling for the deflection onto the scapegoat patsy denied us the roadmap that eradicated the virus by day 43 of Wuhan’s 76-day lockdown. More fool us.
VIDEOS: I Caught Covid … Again! 5-part mini-series on YouTube
PART 1 – I Caught Covid, Part 1: Airborne vs Droplets at the UK Covid Inquiry 2024
PART 2 – I Caught Covid, Part 2: The Politics of the Pandemic
PART 3 – I Caught Covid, Part 3: Why was Covid downgraded to Droplets by the IPC?
PART 4 – I Caught Covid, Part 4: Why did the IPC write misleading national pandemic guidance?
PART 5 – I Caught Covid, Part 5: Why is the IPC continuing to give misleading guidance?
VIDEOS: I Caught Covid … Again! 5-part video mini-series on TikTok
PART 1 – I Caught Covid, Part 1: Airborne vs Droplets at the UK Covid Inquiry 2024
PART 2 – I Caught Covid, Part 2: The Politics of the Pandemic
PART 3 – I Caught Covid, Part 3: Why was Covid downgraded to Droplets by the IPC?
PART 4 – I Caught Covid, Part 4: Why did the IPC write misleading national pandemic guidance?
PART 5 – I Caught Covid, Part 5: Why is the IPC continuing to give misleading guidance?
Further reading on how the Covid pandemic was weaponised
The Covid Pandemic, Page 1: How coronavirus was weaponised – natural disaster, man-made calamity.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 2: Sir Patrick Vallance’s Sky News “herd immunity” interview, 13 March 2020. Full transcipt.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 3: How “herd immunity” won and changed humanity’s health forever. Public Health vs Big Business conflict.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 4: Medical journals and videos on the damage to the brain and immunity system.
The Covid Pandemic, Page 5: I caught Covid again and it’s not getting any better. Staggering evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry: denial of Airborne vs Droplets mode of transmission prolonged the pandemic.