Anna Chen – 25 October 2024, BRICS

BRICS context for the detractors
Schadenfreude and Karma had a baby and you can hear it squealing halfway around the globe following yesterday’s positive news about the BRICS summit in Kazan. The young trade organisation may have overtaken the US economy in 2020 and doubled its membership in a year but I’ve seen a blizzard of articles and social media throwing up every imaginable objection to its success. Thar be dragons!
So to put BRICS in context, here goes …
China saved the world from USA’s 2008 Great Crash that threatened global depression. Their cheap goods kept inflation near zero. Despite this, when they caught up with the US, the West unloaded all its propaganda resources against them in a character assassination blitz. Now the West wants war.
Bitter BRICS bleaters currently shrieking all over social media about how it ain’t gonna work should have a rethink about who’s saying this and why.
Spanked by dollar supremacy
How many BRICS members have been sanctioned or had their money confiscated by western banks? How many have had their resources pillaged by Empire? How many are excluded from SWIFT, the international payment system?
The US overplayed its hand so this is where we are.
Since the US appropriated most of the world’s gold during World War II, resulting in the Bretton Woods dollar reserve system, it has abused its dominance with increasing ferocity. It ditched gold in 1971 for paper money which it prints on a whim. It’s now $36 Trillion in debt.
BRICS not only has most of the world’s gold, at least one core member, China, has been buying up gold at a tear. So BRICS is backed by actual gold, material resources and huge economies of scale in production of affordable goods. The US relies on world resources. Which is why all it has left is conquest.
Dollar not so good for Americans
If you think the US intends being kind to the global south currently flocking to BRICS, you should check how the US exploits its own population. The only growth you can see is homelessness, poverty, rotting infrastructure, despair and drug addiction.
How is this possible in what was the world’s largest economy?
In a nutshell: greed. Beyond the nutshell, we could look at the capitalist cycle of shrinking profitability, late capitalism and capitalism being its own gravedigger. All Illustrated nicely for us when the elites appropriated the national wealth in tax cuts & short-term profiteering without investing anything back into its people.
The richest nation on the planet doesn’t even have proper High Speed Rail. The few miles that have been belatedly built cut dangerously across roads, unlike China which invests in tunnels and raised sections where needed.
America’s top 0.1 percent owns 13.6 percent of total wealth. The top 1 percent own 27 percent. The bottom half hold only 6 percent. The carve-up hasn’t been this unfair since 1989.
Not satisfied with sucking everything dry, Western elites have regressed, mustering Viking war parties for pillage across the globe but especially intended for the Golden Goose: China. Which hasn’t had a war for 40 years.
To see the future look to the past
This has scared everyone off America.
Look what they did to the Native Americans. To African slaves. That’s the world’s fate if we don’t protect ourselves.
Why would the global south not take defensive measures against economic onslaught and destabilisation? Why would they not see hope in what BRICS has to offer? If we were smart, we would too.
What does China have to offer the UK?
Before poison was dripped and pressure applied by the US, China’s Huawai was building our 5G infrastructure, China was building our nuclear power stations, investing in the North and offering to build our High Speed Rail on a par with their own at lower cost than the ballooning figures that scuppered the project.
We now have none of that.
FURTHER READING: BRICS now the biggest trade bloc on the planet
BRICS investments include High Speed Rail