Steampunk Opium Wars: gorgeous new photos & poems

Finally uploaded the lovely portraits taken by Sukey Parnell of the cast of The Steampunk Opium Wars debut at the National Maritime Museum in London earlier this year.

As well as Sukey’s pix, the poems written by cast-members are also on these pages.

There’s a serious intention in writing and performing the show. After we performed it, we were all pleased to hear audience members telling us that this was all new to them. However, I was then shocked to read Julia Lovell’s The Opium War, published last year to acclaim and some pretty critique-free reviews. Reading it felt like having someone yelling “You’re shit and you know you are!” in your face for hours on end.

Revisionist “historians” do this from time to time. The most shocking example is probably the move to blame Afro-Caribbeans for their wretched slavery because some black people and Arabs helped to run the slave trade in Africa. I hope The Steampunk Opium Wars is an antidote to some of the callous rewriting of this part of history.


Madam Miaow says … visit Anna Chen’s website here:


Anna’s food blog here:

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