Garden haven, part II: acanthus, olives, hydrangea and more

A second batch of photos from my north London garden to cheer us up now that the weather has turned gloomy and we may never see the sun again this side of New Year.

The Lone Hydrangea.

acanthus and olive tree
Acanthus (Bear’s Breeches), sedum, pulmonaria (lungwort), and an olive tree, which is already producing fruit, given to me by Denise.

acanthus spire of flowers
The tall dramatic floral spire of the acanthus. Those spikes hurt!

Coriander and basil
I’m trying to grow sensible food like corander, basil and rocket. The pots in the garden are much more successful than those on the sunny south-facing window sill in the kitchen. Maybe it’s too hot for them. But these look healthy.

Waiting for the tomatoes to ripen.

wild strawberry in the garden
One wild strawberry left after the wood pigeons have been at them. Wild strawberries have the most amazing artificial flavour. Life mimicking art?

squirrel drinking in garden
Several water bowls around the garden keep the wildlife happy.

Another cat deity stands guard.

See also Gardening Relief. Garden haven pt I

Madam Miaow says … visit Anna Chen’s website here:


Anna’s food blog here:

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