Author name: Anna Chen

UK writer and broadcaster Anna Chen challenges stale empire narratives with original insights and a dash of wit. A politically informed artist, poet and pioneering China commentator, she has led successful strategies to raise consciousness and run over dogma with her karma. Cultural breakthroughs include: UK’s First Chinese Punk, First To Take A Show To The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Published Poet At 14, Orwell Prize Shortlisted, TED Speaker, BBC Writer And Presenter, Dissenting Journalist, Critical Thinker And Political Analyst. A lifetime of political analysis & cultural response in published articles, radio, videos, blog and poetry.

Somi de Souza’s play Revolution in a Catsuit opens in Los Angeles: video interviews

Somi de Souza’s play Revolution in a Catsuit has bite, depth and substance. Ignored in Britain where minority artists are rendered invisible, it finally won support in Los Angeles where it is running at the Bootleg Theater until the end of April. Can’t wait for the video of the show. In the meantime, here are

Somi de Souza’s play Revolution in a Catsuit opens in Los Angeles: video interviews Read More »

First ever UK exhibition on the Great War’s Chinese Labour Corps: Durham University 7th April to 24th September.

I’m afraid I’ve missed the 7th April launch date for the Chinese Labour Corps Memorial Campaign exhibition but it runs until 24th September 2017. Nearly 100,000 Chinese men served on the European battlefields of World War I doing the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs, clearing mines and dead bodies, and transporting explosives for the allied

First ever UK exhibition on the Great War’s Chinese Labour Corps: Durham University 7th April to 24th September. Read More »

President Trump turns on a dime and bombs Syria: deep state regains control

Obama era anti-war protesters   Lemme see … in the week when Steve Bannon is finally ousted from the National Security Council (NSC) with nary a murmer from Trump who suddenly does a dramatic reverse on Syria in the very moments when Chinese President Xi Jinping is at Mar-a-Lago … Phew! All the behind-the-scenes action

President Trump turns on a dime and bombs Syria: deep state regains control Read More »

Lucy Chau Lai-Tuen poetry review: Ungrateful — A Paper Daughter

Review of Lucy Chau Lai-Tuen’s poetry collection: glimpses of perpetual marginalisation A moving, fairly disturbing, collection of poetry from Hong-Kong-born writer and actor Lucy Chau Lai-Tuen, Ungrateful — A Paper Daughter, takes you deep inside the experience of perpetual marginalisation. All the small everyday unthinking acts of callousness that grind you down are laid bare

Lucy Chau Lai-Tuen poetry review: Ungrateful — A Paper Daughter Read More »

Heathcote Williams’ American Porn poetry collection: balancing passion and disgust on a razor’s edge — review

Five stars for Heathcote Williams’ American Porn poetry collection: balancing passion and disgust on a razor’s edge Seems like we are all stuck in a science-fiction writer’s coma dream, so deeply weird have been events of the past year. The culmination was the installation by electoral college (as opposed to popular vote) of our Orange

Heathcote Williams’ American Porn poetry collection: balancing passion and disgust on a razor’s edge — review Read More »

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