Author name: Anna Chen

UK writer and broadcaster Anna Chen challenges stale empire narratives with original insights and a dash of wit. A politically informed artist, poet and pioneering China commentator, she has led successful strategies to raise consciousness and run over dogma with her karma. Cultural breakthroughs include: UK’s First Chinese Punk, First To Take A Show To The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Published Poet At 14, Orwell Prize Shortlisted, TED Speaker, BBC Writer And Presenter, Dissenting Journalist, Critical Thinker And Political Analyst. A lifetime of political analysis & cultural response in published articles, radio, videos, blog and poetry.

Naming and shaming: Labour targets small-fry businesses

The government lurches from one tabloid-pleasing stunt to another, devil taking the hindmost. They’ve decided it is a good and productive idea to make employers responsible for law-enforcement by naming and shaming businesses who hire illegal immigrants. You’d think that with billions lost to illegal wars and tax evasion, whoops, I mean avoidance, that a

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Deportation Resistance: Glasgow community defends neighbours

Jean Donnachie, Kingsway flats, Glasgow Scotstoun In this Guardian G2 video (Friday 13th June 2008), a Glasgow community organises to protect friends and neighbours from forced deportation. Moving and uplifting. A rare example of a media report that doesn’t present the working class and immigrants as beasts but shows humanity at its best. Report by

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