Author name: Anna Chen

UK writer and broadcaster Anna Chen challenges stale empire narratives with original insights and a dash of wit. A politically informed artist, poet and pioneering China commentator, she has led successful strategies to raise consciousness and run over dogma with her karma. Cultural breakthroughs include: UK’s First Chinese Punk, First To Take A Show To The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Published Poet At 14, Orwell Prize Shortlisted, TED Speaker, BBC Writer And Presenter, Dissenting Journalist, Critical Thinker And Political Analyst. A lifetime of political analysis & cultural response in published articles, radio, videos, blog and poetry.

Bush must go!

No, not that Bush. The other one! Waiting for the third season DVD of Battlestar Galactica to drop in price, I’m filling in with Rome, the plush HBO double season box set telling the epic story of Julius Caesar’s rise to power. Boy! There’s a lot of pre-Christian debauchery we only saw alluded to in

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