Author name: Anna Chen

UK writer and broadcaster Anna Chen challenges stale empire narratives with original insights and a dash of wit. A politically informed artist, poet and pioneering China commentator, she has led successful strategies to raise consciousness and run over dogma with her karma. Cultural breakthroughs include: UK’s First Chinese Punk, First To Take A Show To The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Published Poet At 14, Orwell Prize Shortlisted, TED Speaker, BBC Writer And Presenter, Dissenting Journalist, Critical Thinker And Political Analyst. A lifetime of political analysis & cultural response in published articles, radio, videos, blog and poetry.

Bruce Lee Asia Times We'll Always Have Beijing Anna Chen

We’ll always have Beijing: from hero to villain

In the half-century since Bruce Lee’s early death in July 1973, the image of Chinese in western culture and business has come full circle with an added twist of spite.

Prior to the martial arts deity’s explosion onto cinema screens in the 1960s, Chinese men were barely seen except as anonymous hordes reminiscent of the wave warfare that kept America at bay in Korea. Their ultimate sacrifice was presented in the west as an antlike lack of humanity rather than the collective courage we recognise from the allied storming of Normandy beaches.

Is whitewashed Doctor Strange about to morph into Dr Strangelove or be eclipsed by Fu Manchu redux?

Anna Chen’s debut piece in the Asia Times

We’ll always have Beijing: from hero to villain Read More »

Julian Assange: Prometheus pecked at by US eagle

Anna Chen – 31 July 2023, Julian Assange Julian Assange punished for informing the public There’s something monumental and mythical about the Promethean figure of Julian Assange having his liver pecked out every day by the US eagle for taking information from the self-styled gods and giving it to us humans. In Graeco-Roman mythology, Prometheus

Julian Assange: Prometheus pecked at by US eagle Read More »

The Taiping Rebellion: What the British Museum’s Hidden Century exhibition leaves out

Anna Chen – 17 May 2023, Taiping rebellion What the Guardian’s review of the British Museum’s Hidden Century exhibition doesn’t tell you about the Taiping Rebellion The Guardian’s review of the British Museum’s Hidden Century exhibition continues the 19th-century mindset rationalising British imperialism in China past and present while omitting the driving force behind the

The Taiping Rebellion: What the British Museum’s Hidden Century exhibition leaves out Read More »

When Jerry met Anna: Online conversation with China commentator Jerry Grey and guest Anna Chen

By Anna Chen / 11/05/2023 VIDEO CHAT WITH JERRY GREY. Last Sunday, I was an online guest of Jerry Grey, the British-born China commentator who caught our attention with accounts of his marathon bicycle trips around China, including Xinjiang, China’s Belt And Road back door which leads across the Eurasian continent as far as Barking in the far

When Jerry met Anna: Online conversation with China commentator Jerry Grey and guest Anna Chen Read More »

A poem for the monarchy revisited on the Coronation of King Charles III: Eating Placenta — Lines on the Royal Birth

A poem fit for a king. Eating Placenta — Lines on the Royal Birth Anna Chen reads Eating Placenta: Lines on the Royal Birth Call me a coronation chicken but I’m sorely tempted to duck out of the Big Event this Saturday. I’m only one of a vast swathe of increasingly disenfranchised, pauperised Brits who

A poem for the monarchy revisited on the Coronation of King Charles III: Eating Placenta — Lines on the Royal Birth Read More »

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