Author name: Anna Chen

UK writer and broadcaster Anna Chen challenges stale empire narratives with original insights and a dash of wit. A politically informed artist, poet and pioneering China commentator, she has led successful strategies to raise consciousness and run over dogma with her karma. Cultural breakthroughs include: UK’s First Chinese Punk, First To Take A Show To The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Published Poet At 14, Orwell Prize Shortlisted, TED Speaker, BBC Writer And Presenter, Dissenting Journalist, Critical Thinker And Political Analyst. A lifetime of political analysis & cultural response in published articles, radio, videos, blog and poetry.

Coronavirus Covid-19 Covid timeline Covfefe Papers by Anna Chen Pic Fusion Medical Animation Unsplash

Early Coronavirus chronology after COVID-19 found in Spain from March 2019

Coronavirus fact check chronology Very interesting development that a strain of the Covid-19 virus — SARS-CoV-2 — has been discovered in a frozen sample of sewage in Barcelona dating from 12th March 2019, indicating (as some scientists have posited) that the virus was already circulating the world before exploding so virulently in Wuhan in December

Early Coronavirus chronology after COVID-19 found in Spain from March 2019 Read More »

“Let’s Blame China”: an infantile disorder when Covid-19 comes knocking

How the White House turned “China bought us time” into “China lied, people died” and put the world at risk Tuesday, 23 June 2020       “Let’s blame China” has become the lazy go-to for so many politicians and media lacking the will to think outside the Trump administration box, it’s tragic. Literally. Stupefied

“Let’s Blame China”: an infantile disorder when Covid-19 comes knocking Read More »

Covid Medics leave-Wuhan April 2020 CGTN

Plague, protests and how the hybrid war on China is prolonging Covid-19 pain in the West

In the UK, arrogance and incompetence from the Boris Johnson/Dominic Cummings government brings Britain to its knees. Instead of learning from the Covid-19 road map drawn for us by China, the UK establishment gets jealous about China’s unprecedented lockdown of 1.4 billion human beings in order to contain the virus and starve it of hosts.

Plague, protests and how the hybrid war on China is prolonging Covid-19 pain in the West Read More »

China: scapegoat and diversion from what ails western capitalism

We all know the United States of America was built on an ancient Native American burial ground, courtesy of European immigrants. Another original sin was slavery; kidnapping men, women and children from Africa for the brute workforce that built so much of America’s wealth. Then there’s the 1 per cent ripping off the American people

China: scapegoat and diversion from what ails western capitalism Read More »

Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Chinese economy continues

Donald Trump’s attempted hostile takeover of China’s economy continues apace. The Chinese walked into an ambush when they presented their latest round of changes last week thinking they were still negotiating. Kicked off by Reuters’ “exclusive” briefing by “three U.S. government sources and three private sector sources”, the media then fell in with Trump and trade representative Lighthizer’s narrative that the Chinese “reneged” on a deal that was already sewn up.

Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Chinese economy continues Read More »

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