
Peach: poem about Savile, Hillsborough, Leveson, the whole sorry lot!

As the rot sets in, here’s a poem about the collapse of our institutions. A big rock has been lifted and look what’s crawling out: Hillsborough, press hacking, Jimmy Savile at Broadmoor and the BBC, wars, widespread robbery of the poor to pay for the rich. Capitalist production moves from the west to Asia and […]

Peach: poem about Savile, Hillsborough, Leveson, the whole sorry lot! Read More »

REACHING FOR MY GNU: coming soon

Aaaargh! Press will be publishing Reaching for my Gnu, Anna Chen’s collection of poetry, for kindle and in good old-fashioned analogue hard copy very soon. DESCRIPTION “THE POEMS IN THIS COLLECTION are graceful, muscular, playful, rich in both emotional depth and intellectual rigour; brimful of righteous anger and piercing wit; intent on revitalising both the

REACHING FOR MY GNU: coming soon Read More »

Anna’s gigs coming up

A few performances dates coming up: Wednesday 18th July (time TBC) Anna gives a talk on Chinese representation on the UK stage at the Chinese In Britain event at the Old Cinema, Westminster University, Regent St W1. Thursday 28th June Anna and Charles Shaar Murray perform at Sash Selavie’s Gender Genocide evening at the Royal

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Time is All Wrong: new poem about bankers, politicians, crisis and us

The bankers staged a coup while out attention was elsewhere and now everything is run for them. This item from December— found by Niall Spooner-Harvey — sums up the situation: Unchecked by toothless regulators and set free by poorly drawn capital requirements, the banks rampaged across the continent, chucking cheap money at Greece and Italy,

Time is All Wrong: new poem about bankers, politicians, crisis and us Read More »

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