
What A Carve Up! review: ‘a point where greed and madness can no longer be told apart’

I don’t know which induces nausea in me the most: whether it’s Tony Blair’s Joker Jack grin as he trousers £20 million thus far for services rendered, or Stephen Byers’ ‘gorblimey, I’m only a cabbie, mate, at five grand a shot’ routine. Who makes me reach fastest for the sick bag? Could it be Geoff

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1000 Ways To Die review: lurid, shocking, gruesome TV

Has anyone else stumbled across the Bravo cable TV show, 1,000 Ways To Die? It’s a sweet little offering from the US, re-enacting the weirdest ways people have met their end — usually prime contenders for the Darwin Awards. I’m sitting here squirming having just watched the fate of the scumbag robber who stole groceries

1000 Ways To Die review: lurid, shocking, gruesome TV Read More »

Alice In Wonderland review: Disney and the Opium Wars

Rather belatedly, I’m posting a review of Tim Burton’s 3D movie adaptation of Alice In Wonderland. Being a sucker for the technology (especially now that you get proper stylish Rayban-style spectacles and not the horrid — if nostalgic — cardboard face-wear of old), I had gone to see Alice the first week it opened at

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Spirit Warriors review: Chinese talent alert

Oh, I am so suggestible. I have just finished my first bacon roll in years (actually, a bagel — howzat for a fusion-cuisine atrocity?) as a direct result of watching the seventh and latest episode of CBBC’s children’s show, Spirit Warriors. The one that begins with our young heroes happening upon a dream setting of

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Jeff Beck makes Eric Clapton sing “Hi Ho Silver Lining”, O2, 14 Feb 2010: review

What could be better than spending Valentine’s Day evening at a concert starring two of the most revered rock guitarists in the history of music? Even the transport ran smoothly and we were on our train home from London’s O2 Centre within minutes of the show ending — amazing for a Sunday. Jeff Beck appeared

Jeff Beck makes Eric Clapton sing “Hi Ho Silver Lining”, O2, 14 Feb 2010: review Read More »

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