
China under western colonialism. A Chinese woman carries a white male like a beast of burden

The Roots of the Clash between the United States and China: Vigil for the Atlanta Shootings

After a year of increasing anti-Asian violence encouraged by unscrupulous politicians and media, we took another lurch to the dark side when eight people were killed in the Atlanta shootings (16th March 2021), six of them Asian women. Elsewhere, Asian people are being regularly maimed and murdered.

The Roots of the Clash between the United States and China: Vigil for the Atlanta Shootings Read More »

Jeremy Corbyn condemns cheap labour from abroad on day of Chinatown protest against immigration fishing raids

Labour dogwhistles echo Trump protectionism and the spirit of MAGA Congratulations and a big thank you to everyone who made it to today’s protest against the Home Office’s aggressive immigrant fishing raids blighting London’s Chinatown, called by the London Chinatown Chinese Association. These raids have intensified under the Tories’ hostile environment ever since the Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn condemns cheap labour from abroad on day of Chinatown protest against immigration fishing raids Read More »

When is a dress just a dress? American teenager’s Chinese prom dress and cultural appropriation

Anna Chen writes in the Guardian, An American woman wearing a Chinese dress is not cultural appropriation (Guardian headline and standfirst written by sub-eds) PROM pic.twitter.com/gsJ0LtsCmP — Keziah (@daumkeziah) April 22, 2018 When is a dress just a dress? Remember those photos of the little cocktail number that looked blue with black lace to some

When is a dress just a dress? American teenager’s Chinese prom dress and cultural appropriation Read More »

President Trump to personally handle UK trade deal despite his nightmare record in business: Theresa May rolls over

President Trump has told Theresa May that he will personally negotiate the trade deal with the UK. He has no commerce secretary yet. Many of us are wondering what could possibly go wrong? Estimates that the Trump chicken comes home to roost (in the Chinese year of the Fire Rooster, note) are set somewhere around

President Trump to personally handle UK trade deal despite his nightmare record in business: Theresa May rolls over Read More »

Wonder Woman UN appointment less about gender than Israel, Syria and World War III

Reports of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman appointment to the UN miraculously omit her Israeli Army background More proof that we’ve slipped into the Twilight Zone as the popular culture takes a hit. Today’s news about Wonder Woman at the United Nations yields a graphic example of how slippery the media is and why we need

Wonder Woman UN appointment less about gender than Israel, Syria and World War III Read More »

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