Channel 4

Open letter of complaint to Channel 4 Dispatches “Covid Leak”

Channel 4 Dispatches “Covid Leak”: politicising a pandemic
2 September 2021: Open letter of complaint to C4 Dispatches for “Covid Leak”. Politicising Covid-19 gave cover to the UK government’s mishandling of the pandemic and cost lives. All the while, Boris Johnson’s government was letting “the bodies pile high”.

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The Triumph and Turmoil of Niall Ferguson’s obsession with China

In Channel 4’s China: Triumph and Turmoil, Ferguson takes us from 250 BC to the present day and the Chinese “huge potential for venality” with no mention of Jardine Matheson, Western banks and drug money liquidity, Empire, an accelerating number of wars on foreign soil or even the Opium Wars.

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Niall Ferguson Killer Apps Channel 4 Civilisation review by Anna Chen

Niall Ferguson and his testosterone theory of history: review

Anna Chen – 10 March 2011, Niall Ferguson Niall Ferguson “Killer Apps” episode, Civilisation Channel 4 Review by Anna Chen 10 March 2011 ‘Dominate, dominate, dominate.’ No, not an S&M dalek, but Niall Ferguson on the telly. I lost count of how many times this word, or variations thereof, came up in the first five

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Undercover Boss and Gok Wan’s Fashion Fix TV reviews

Great. Yet another paean to capitalism and the glorification of the boss class. Not content with blitzing us with Dragon’s Den, The Apprentice and a whole genre of TV programmes shoving you in your place (how very Confucian), C4 gives us another series naturalising the New Order, in Undercover Boss (C4 9pm, Thursdays). Watching Alan

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