Julian Assange

Julian Assange: Prometheus pecked at by US eagle

Anna Chen – 31 July 2023, Julian Assange Julian Assange punished for informing the public There’s something monumental and mythical about the Promethean figure of Julian Assange having his liver pecked out every day by the US eagle for taking information from the self-styled gods and giving it to us humans. In Graeco-Roman mythology, Prometheus […]

Julian Assange: Prometheus pecked at by US eagle Read More »

Julian Assange under attack for grooming crimes

What madness is this? Three new books launch savage attacks on Julian Assange, one of them excoriating him for smelling as if he hadn’t washed for days. May I just say, ‘So frikkin’ what?’ Assange’s one-time collaborator The New York Times publishes its ebook Open Secrets: WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy tomorrow. The NYT executive

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Julian Assange’s Lonely Hearts profile: if only …

Would someone please settle the dispute between myself and poet extraordinaire, Niall Spooner-Harvey, who found this Lonely Heart profile at OK Cupid online, and reckons it belongs to the real Julian Assange. (Niall just wrote to say that he’s having second thoughts.) Not never, no how, no way. Someone sussed what women want and is

Julian Assange’s Lonely Hearts profile: if only … Read More »

Free Assange: China should nominate Wikileaks founder for Nobel Prize

“FREE JULIAN ASSANGE!” declaims my mate Gauche on Facebook, to which the reply, surely, can only be, “… with every packet of condoms.” “Try our new Assange range. So featherweight, you’ll never know it’s on.” With US politicians calling for Wikileaks whistleblowing founder Julian Assange to be abducted and assassinated and not necessarily in that

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China should offer Julian Assange political asylum: Wikileaks dissident persecution

So the powers that be are circling like whitetip sharks at a Sharm el-Sheikh eat-all-u-can scuba feast, and are about to round up Julian Assange (thought to be hiding out in South East England — my bet’s Brighton) on an extraordinary charge of refusing to wear a condom during consensual sex. There must be many

China should offer Julian Assange political asylum: Wikileaks dissident persecution Read More »

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