Rupert Murdoch

Jon Stewart on the Murdochs: David Cameron PMQs in Parliament today Live Blog

First some laughs from Jon Stewart who skewers Fox News over their non-coverage of the Murdochs in front of the Parliamentary select committee yesterday. Prime Minister’s Questions:11:40: David Cameron, still jet-lagged from his truncated trip to Africa, is telling Parliament how marvelous the resigned rozzers were. The inquiry,which will start this month, consists of:Shami Chakrabarti, […]

Jon Stewart on the Murdochs: David Cameron PMQs in Parliament today Live Blog Read More »

If Murdoch had never been born: It’s A Soaraway Life

“Jesus mothering arse! Where the hell are all the tits?” A Bit Of Fry and Laurie do It’s A Wonderful Life featuring Rupert Murdoch. Posted at Liberal Conspiracy by Unity. So brilliant, I’m having it here. Madam Miaow says … visit Anna Chen’s website here: Home Anna’s food blog here:

If Murdoch had never been born: It’s A Soaraway Life Read More »

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