“Anna Chen is a prominent UK polemicist, poet and satirist.”
Anna writes her lively Asia Times columns from the perspective of having a foot in each of two great modern powers. All the better to challenge the consensus constructed by a waning superpower losing its grip and lashing out. She identifies the moving parts in the propaganda engine and sheds light on who’s steering us where.

The Wars of the Roses: That’s us, that is – Review November 13, 2023
A review of the late history plays marking this month’s 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Folio publication. What looks like a simple squaring up of combative parties is more a dodecahedron of feuding interests. Richard III seethes his determination to prove a villain and disrupt the “idle pleasures of these days”. Sound familiar?

Don Quixote in the White House: Hollywood deconstructs the narrative – September 29, 2023
A light romance set in the world’s seat of power. He loves Xi but the sweethearts fall out over a misunderstanding that Xi wants to ditch him and run off with Europe. After promising his lost love, “No, honey, I don’t want to contain you. Let your spirit run wild, fly free,” we realise what he really wants is to put a leash and a muzzle on her and take her for walks.

Zoo time at Operation Circe: How the Wolf Warrior was invented – September 5, 2023
The Western media exploded in an entirely uncoordinated wave of outrage as one. Montgomery Burns might as well have howled, “Unleash the hounds!” In one short, pithy tweet, China was transformed from placid scapegoat to Wolf Warrior for defending itself.
We’ll Always Have Beijing: West in a hot, fast and insulting u-turn on any positive popular culture portrayals of Chinese – August 14, 2023
How do you persuade the public it’s OK to have a war with people they’ve been encouraged to identify with if you keep humanising them? Is whitewashed Doctor Strange about to morph into Dr Strangelove or be eclipsed by Fu Manchu redux?
Asia Times author’s page
Anna’s Asia Times columns at her Blog
“… extraordinary … independence and spirit. A very distinct voice, very funny …” Jean Seaton, Orwell Prize Director
“Charming, witty and sophisticated … I am entranced, won over.” The Sunday Times
“Hard hitting and often hilarious … arresting … engrossing and provoking.” The Scotsman
“It’s the stuff of brilliant satire … riveting.” The List